Susan Gilles
- Law School Faculty
Contact Information
- 614-236-6885
- SGilles@law.4dian8.com
- Capital University Law School
After serving as a litigation associate with the firm of BakerHostetler, Professor Gilles joined Capital University Law School in 1990. Her scholarship focuses on Civil Procedure and on First Amendment/Media Law issues. An innovative and enthusiastic teacher she recently published, with co-authors, “Click & Learn: Civil Procedure” an interactive online casebook designed to enhance student learning by providing immediate feedback and complete explanations on thousands of Civil Procedure questions. She serves on numerous law school committees (most recently chairing the Academic Affairs Committee) and is a long-time advisor to the Women’s Law Association at Capital University.- LL.M, Harvard University
- LL.B., Honors in Public Law, University of Glasgow, Scotland
- Media Law
- Civil Procedure
- Torts
Click & Learn: Civil Procedure, by Angela Upchurch, Susan Gilles and Cynthia Ho, Carolina Academic Process (2020).
Law Review Articles
Finding A “Home” For Unincorporated Entities Post- Daimler AG v. Bauman, by Susan Gilles and Angela Upchurch, 20 Nev. L. J. 693 (2020).
An Active Learning Approach to Teaching Tough Topics: Personal Jurisdiction as an Example, by Cynthia Ho, Angela Upchurch and Susan Gilles, Journal of Legal Education 65, No. 4 (Summer 2016): 772-816.
Brandenburg v. State of Ohio: An “Accidental,” “Too Easy,” and “Incomplete” Landmark Case, 38 Capital L. Rev. 517 (2010).
From Rehnquist to Roberts: Has Informational Privacy Lost a Friend and Gained a Foe? 91 Marquette Law Review 453 (2007).
The Image of "Good Journalism" in Privilege, Tort Law and Constitutional Law, 32 Ohio Northern University Law Review 485 (2006).
Public Plaintiffs and Private Facts: Should the 'Public Figure' Doctrine be Transplanted into Privacy Law? 83 NEBRASKA LAW REVIEW 1204 (2005).
From Baseball Parks to the Public Arena: Assumption of the Risk in Tort Law and Constitutional Libel Law, 75 TEMPLE LAW REVIEW 231 (2002).
"Poisonous" Publications and Other False Speech Physical Harm Cases, 37 WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW 1073 (2002).
Food Lion as Reform or Revolution: "Publication Damages" and the First Amendment Scrutiny, 23 UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK LAW REVIEW 37 (2000).
Taking First Amendment Procedure Seriously: An Analysis of Process in Libel Litigation, 58 OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL 1753 (1998).
Introduction to the Sullivan Lecture, 25 CAPITAL UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 277 (1996).
Images of the First Amendment and the Reality of Powerful Speakers (Commentary on Sullivan Lecture of Prof. Owen Fiss), 24 CAPITAL UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 293 (1995).
Promises Betrayed: Breach of Confidence as a Remedy for Invasions of Privacy, 43 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 1 (1995).
The Supreme Court, The First Amendment and Bad Journalism, 1994 SUPREME COURT REV. 169 (with Professor William Marshall).
'Worldly Corruptions' and 'Ecclesiastical Depredations': How Bad Is An Established Church, 42 DEPAUL L. REV. 349 (1992) (commentary at conference).
All Truths Are Equal, But Are Some Truths More Equal Than Others?, 41 CASE W. RES. L. Rev. 725 (1991) (commentary on article by Professor Schauer).